Alright guys this is what I have of the brown and jackson lp I posted a little while ago, its the entire album uncut a and b in an mp3, but for some reason the first track stars about halfway in? i dunno why, but 95% of its there so thats what i got, enjoy.
here it is
************ Get the jackson and brown^
Okay, so this post is more about the 'art of digging' than it is about getting some radical new shiznit to listen to and impress your friends. I'm not saying I'm a grandmaster, but it never ceases to amaze me how you can expand your knowledge base of genres and styles that collectors are looking for, then apply that to your dig and make something of it in the crates. So this post is about late 70s to mid 80s Christian soft rock/pop AOR singer songwriter type stuff. Its pretty much always done by one or two white guys with a small band set up. Usually some soft acoustic guitars or laid back cool electric guitars, sometimes bossa beats, easy drums or bongos thorwn in for good measure, a staple of the genre is the electric piano, and most of all, as you will see, it needs to sound like MICHAEL MCDONALD. More will be explained below....
First we Have Brown and Jackson - Self-titled LP. aka Yacht Shoes, Razor cuts, Million dollar mustaches, and Jesus. This lovely item was unearthed and brought back into the weird collectible world of 80s white guy christian music* where it belongs. This lovely gem is one of the illusive ZERO google results LPs. Most of the stuff like this I find goes to Japanese collectors, hey don't ask me, they are admirably meticulous about subgenres, obscurities, and archiving. This is about a 200 dollar album. Or so it sold on ebay, as there is no 'list price' for it.
(*if you go digging for this type of music, which is very wise because a lot of it is still out there, you want to find something with the sound of michael mcdonald, with christian lyrics/themes, though you want more progressive lyrics and original songs not traditional stuff and certainly not group vocals, I cant tell you how many great xian folk records I've found that were ruined because of choir singing, and most importantly... you really want fewer than 1000 pressings or else its not gonna be rare enough to even matter.)
LISTEN TO BROWN AND JACKSON GET THEIR PRAISE ON (samples only, if anyone actually wants the entire LP leave a comment and perhaps Ill put it up.)
Another Fine example I dug up, this one has a bit more of a new wave/soft rock leaning, and slightly less progressive lyrics, which made it sell for $130, a bit less than Brown and Jackson... Listen to it, learn the sound and get digging, it's the most fun way to get paid I've found yet.
Have a taste of the song 'Serious'