Another fuckin incredible find this week! Here we have the ultra rare 1993 LP with custom inserts by New York graffiti legend REVS. On the back cover there is a scan of a newspaper police report detailing a great story about REVS and his crew going to bomb a subway car with a bad ass giant mural of Miami Vice when the cops showed up and started ganking everyone, except it would seem that one of the miscreant teenagers got away by hiding in the bushes for a few hours. Anyway, teenage graffiti pranks aside, the album itself is not bad. At times it's even pretty original/innovative/thoughtful whatever. Done in a Brooklyn Punk / Hardcore style with slightly art school edge and lots of ridiculous samples layered in, the LP is decided LoFi, and uses material recorded way back in 83 and then refurbished in the studio, but the majority I think was recorded somewhat close to 93, though again I'm not sure. It's not exactly something to put in your usual listening rotation, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I heard. And anyway, this is a real piece of New York graffiti history and an interesting listen for the fans of punk and hardcore. The only other copy I can find recently got auctioned on Ebay and sold for around $300.00. It''s been a pretty good week so far.
REVS - Just Stay Away (1993) No Label, New York, NY.
Actually, I sold it for $255...but close enough.
(it only cost me $1 at's that for a good week?)
dude great find. is it possible for you to upload the rar somewhere else, megaupload or rapidshare or something and repost the link or even just some other site because divshare is making me go around in circles. i can't download it. thanks. much appreciated.
Please post this again.
please re up to mediafire or megaupload
between leaving the message above and today, I got the album, if anyone wants it let me know and i can email it to you.
can anyone send this to me
divshare is not cooperating
thanks ahead of time
if no one can thats a bummer
Thank you blogosphere for being the incredible diggers you are and finding this un out there without making me upload the mofo again, I hate reuploading.
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