PENDULUM - SKULLFUCK EP (Euthanasia Records 0013) 1989 San Antonio, TX.
3 years ago
Welcome ye fare forwarded voyagers to my humble abode for all that is under appreciated in the world of recorded music. I specialize in the past but the current is certainly not completely ignored either. I hope you will find a gem or two before you mosey on down the road. I mostly post recent finds from my digging expeditions across the land, but occasionally I will post up random things as well. -Transpac Jackson
.....and thats why i thoroughly enjoy this blog, keep up the great site TJ its very much appreciated.
Thank you for enjoying the SKULLFUCK ep! I seem to have attracted a pseudo-christian music fanbase because of all my christian music type posts (gospel, spiritual jazz, xian folk and xian psych etc) which is great, I'm happy to provide good music to everyone that enjoys it, but I think a lot of people were put off by my SKULLFUCK post... but it's my blog and I cater to no one! only the interesting and unheard! so thanks for enjoying the skullfuck post, being from Austin and seeing some local death metal upstarts from 1989 in San Antonio was pretty exciting for me, and tha cover is AWESOMME
hey man thanks! i have to say this rare ep sounds very good but A-side is corrupt. can you re upload this rare piece please.
thanks a lot!
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