Enjoy this wonder and treasure it, and please don't share on any mass fileshare programs etc
Welcome ye fare forwarded voyagers to my humble abode for all that is under appreciated in the world of recorded music. I specialize in the past but the current is certainly not completely ignored either. I hope you will find a gem or two before you mosey on down the road. I mostly post recent finds from my digging expeditions across the land, but occasionally I will post up random things as well. -Transpac Jackson
thanks a lot, this LP is just beautiful....
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. You've done a great service for all lovers of West African music.
The link to the rar file seems broken... :(
yeah, the link seems to be to something really funky, it shapeshifts before you can hit the download button.
any chance of a new dl link?
Just wanted to let you know that I really dig your blog. So many things to sink your ears into that it makes my head spin. It appears that the Divshare link is not working properly. When you click on the link, it goes to a Divshare page, but then it acts very wonky and never brings up the link. It would be greatly appreciated if you re-upped this as I missed it the first time around.
Best, Kevin
finally got around to listening to this..its really fantastic. thanks so much for sharing!
got it. thank you. so worth it.
listening now. this is profound stuff.
Many thanks for sharing this rarity.
Really special. Thanks so much!
What a treasure! The regional Mali orchestras always stood out for me, and I'm thrilled to be able to listen to one I've never heard. Thank you thank you thank you.
Thanks!!! As many others Im happy to hear this.
thanks for sharing!
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