So there is an LP by Jim Schmidt that is certainly one of the most desirable items in the christian soft rock modern soul smooth pop crossover genre, and I have inexplicably found it not once but twice, and it isn't something you should find often at 250 dollars a pop, so I became pretty familiar with it of course, and with the song "Serious" which Jim wrote, then one day I'm looking through the dollar bins and I see a sealed record by David Dale, Lubbock Texas christian soft rock stuff, I buy it not thinking much of it, then I put it on, and I see that he has covered the very obscure Jim Schmidt song 'serious,' weird I think, but it does have that Michael Mcdonald sound so I know it's gonna be big. This is an unknown record previously mind you, so then a couple months pass and I'm diggin through the dollar bins again and I see Jim Tucker, hmmm, looks like christian soft rock to me I think, so i buy it. I then put it on at home and what do you know, ANOTHER cover of 'serious' by Jim Schmidt! A third unknown christian pop obscurity covering an already obscenely rare record. So now I'm wondering, how many more of these instant gold unknown christian pop LPs that cover 'serious' are out there? Is reality somehow manifesting itself in a loop? popping out these records for me to find like some endless LP forever skipping on a bad groove? a cosmic joke? a sign from God? okay, a little overboard, I know, but it really is strange, finding any of these is like a needle in a hay stack, I'm not saying I'm doing some off the charts digging here, if that were the case i'd be finding a box of sealed butcher cover beatles or some shit, this is just utterly bizarre to me. well anyway, I don't have the Jim schmidt recorded in full, I have 4 of the tracks but I think it is available on Itunes so I will throw Jim a bone and not put it up for free, I'm sure he could use the dough, but I will give you some Jim Tucker and David Dale action... (I know I know I only have the sample for David Dale, again, I'm very sorry I don't know how I didnt record it all but thats what I have) I will be posting the full track of the newest find by Jim Tucker, and then maybe the clip of David Dale just to remind you (I posted it before in a splurge about 80s Christian pop... damn I wished I recorded that entire LP.) Have fun, and poo on anyone that doesn't like my TIMOTHY 7"... yacht rock forever. By the way there is a christian boogie group called Omega Sunrise with a track called Destiny that Jim Schmidt covers on this album, another link in the chain of obscure covers doing covers doing covers.....
David Dale:
Jim Tucker:
That's great - Jim Tucker's voice could best be described as avuncular.
Thanks for posting these. Your blog is a real favourite of mine.
lol, avuncular, that is the word of the day now.
Also, listen to that friggin slap bass breakdown in Jim tucker's version, then he follows it up with a crazy key-tar breakdown, wtf!
is there any other good song inside of the Jim Tucker lp? sound nice on. here happen the same with "michael james murphy - Livin again" and "Reggie Devaughn - Livin' again" same song, both killers but this last very hard to find, i can imagine that there is a lot of lost gems in the same misterious... Sorry my english is very sad i admit, Best Wishes from Chile ;).
Not a prob, I always appreciate comments regardless of your mastery of english, thanks. Actually no that is the only good song sadly. If there would have been others it would have got bigger bucks I think. Yeah Reggie Devaughn I have not seen before but I am keeping an eye out.
Hello!! now that david dale is your fan here, can he possibly share his lp in mp3?, thanks!!
Somehow I doubt it, I mean, he didn't seem very interested in his LP or the notion of it being collectible, more like the perspective of a 'professional' artist now looking back on his early career as humorous and nostalgic, though he did add that the songs meant a lot to him, and I dont doubt that, but I think this is one of those things where the person considers there current domain 'beyond' the scope of uploading an 80s lp they made to a blog in nowheresville, but Mr. Dale, if youre out there, throw us a bone, people like the record and simply can't get it. And I'll leave it at that...
I was shocked to see this, as I recognized Jim Schmidt from the obscure film Kevin Can Wait. I had no idea he wrote music! (And I had no idea his song 'Serious' was so popular amongst obscure Christian artists. :P)
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