Breaking new ground on the blog today with yet another tape for you, this is Triffid - Uncovered, my first Hair Metal post, this actually happens to be one of the most sought after late 80s hair metal tapes out there, and it sells for upwards of $200 easily. I was astonished by how many cassette collectors there are out there, and its a very strong market because there isn't a huge amount of tape dealers and tape diggers out there really, so the occasional collectable tape really comes at a premium. I recently found a cache of rare metal demos, some of which I sold on Ebay recently, including this guy, and overall the auction did very well, I was pretty blown away actually. But back to Triffid... all I know is that they are from New Jersey and they pressed about 500 of these. So anyway, I know it's not exactly of the genre's I normally post up but I definitely think it is deserving of a post. I probably wont keep this link up forever so if you are interested grab it now, and the file is just an MP3 of the entire A and B side uncut, I'm sorry about the format but I got lazy, use Audacity to chop it up if needed.
Triffid - Uncovered (uncut 192kbps MP3 of both sides.)
Do you realize this is a 200 dollar hair metal cassette! no love at all for the triffid. actually a lot of people have downloaded this, almost a shit-ton, but they arent the type to leave comments, they are like one night stands, gone in the morning, not even an exchange of names, hell, more like a massage parlor reach around. Get what I want and I'm gone. True, the majority of the people that really follow my blog have little interest in something like this, so it makes sense, but I'd think atleast one 80s hairmetal zombies would leave a "totally righteous" now and then...
Thank you Sir! Very solid melodic metal.
They where from Albany, NY. Guitar player Alan Payette was the local Gary Moore/EVH! He has worked in a local music equipment shop for years.
this post is like totally radical, dude! I've managed to find the original CD in addition to your rip. It really ROCKS my balls off! Cheers from a long haired '80s Rocker outta Europe!
I hung out with the early line up from the EP "Invasion" which I still own. It is incredible. I watched them perform at the "TEXAS" club in Burlington, Vermont many, many times somewhere between 1982 -1984. I used to go skiing with the drummer, and I took them out on my boat on Lake Champlain and hung out at the beaches. What a blast. I remember I gave them a couple of blow dart guns that they raised hell with with varying levels of amusement amongst band and crew. They had a fantastic sound man and cool turbosound PA, the Drummer was fantastic, the lead singer really had the stage as did the bass player, and Alan the guitar player left a permanent impression on me and I learned many tricks from him as a guitar player myself. I always wonder what they are doing today, and I can't believe at their high caliber they didn't get a big contract and tour. Such is life.
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